Allergic disease has become dramatically more common in the UK over the past few decades, with nearly 40% of children having an allergic diagnosis. Allergic disease effects a child’s growth, development, educational, social and psychological well being.
The specialty of Paediatric Allergy is also growing, and it is a particular aim of BPAIIG to continue this growth. Paediatric allergy encompasses the diagnosis and investigation and management of all aspects of allergic disease, including anaphylaxis, food allergy, asthma, eczema, urticaria (skin rash frequently caused by allergies), rhinoconjunctivitis (inflammation associated with the inner nose and eye), drug allergy and the management of reactions to bee and wasp stings.
You may be interested to contact the following people:
BPAIIG Allergy leads - Dr. Maeve Kelleher & Dr. Rosey Wells
RCPCH Training Advisor (Allergy) - Dr. Sian Ludman
BPAIIG Trainee Representative (Allergy) - Dr. Zaineb Hamed
BSACI Paediatric Allergy Trainee Representative - Dr. Anjali Rampersad
RCPCH Trainee Representative (Allergy) - Dr. Parisut Kimkool
To go to the RCPCH pages on Paediatric Immunology, Infectious Disease and Allergy training, click here.